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  • Writer's pictureLydia Hughes

Creative Makers (Planning) - First Project of Final Year

For the first module of my final year I decided to created a project combining three areas I wanted to develop my skills in:

Interior Styling

Graphical Design & Layout

Interior Products

After lots of brainstorming and development I came up with the idea of Creative Makers - a booklet I would create featuring different makers and creatives.

The booklet would be made up of styled photoshoots and interviews to gain insight into makers lives, processes, products and experiences with the intention to inspire and inform.

Here I have documented screenshots from the planning phase of the project:

Initial visual concept for the photoshoots...

Planning Photoshoots - sketching and concept boards for each makers shoots...

Planning Shots - creating photoshop visuals...

AutoCAD drawings of each space in the photoshoot...

Flat Plan - planning the layout for the booklet...

Considering ideas, colours, layout for the booklets front cover...

Final Front Cover Design...

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